Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gold Digger

One thing I've begun to notice lately bothers me: men like to think women just want their money.

Men who insist women are "gold diggers" want to feel in control. They want to believe we're not after some fairy tale romance. They want to think we're fake—that cash comes first. Because that justifies their own failure. Yeah, they cheated, but we wanted money. Yeah, we got child custody, but we only wanted their money. If it wasn't about money we should have known who they truly are and been complacent.

"If I was richer I'd still be with her," Cee Lo Green whines. Men want to think we run off at the first show of power/money. So why do we shell out money for gas and rent to be with their broke asses? Why do we "slum it" when we could hypothetically sell out for the "man?"

I'd quickly loose respect for any man who insisted I only wanted their chump change. The wise woman insists that any money exchanged between partners will "almost even out." Psychologically, it might not—not if the whole structure of a relationships becomes about the money and not the passion.

Fretting that someone wants your money is denying that you are still madly in love with that person and unconditionally. It's denying that you shell out money in the hopes of being happy. Feeling owed dues amounts to treason in love.

No one wants to be a "comfort girl." Not when her deepest desire is true love.

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