Friday, August 19, 2011

This film is an entire chapter of Women Who Run with the Wolves. It's a feminist adaptation of Blue Beard and can be analyzed on a psychological level to mean that the part of a woman that is weak and naive must die. A stronger, more whimsical and natural woman must take her place. Blue Beard maps the terrifying landscape of adolescence and womanhood, revealing the dead bodies of our kind who refused to fight for survival.

I’ve got two daughters who will have to make their way in this skinny-obsessed world, and it worries me, because I don’t want them to be empty-headed, self-obsessed, emaciated clones; I’d rather they were independent, interesting, idealistic, kind, opinionated, original, funny – a thousand things, before ‘thin’. And frankly, I’d rather they didn’t give a gust of stinking chihuahua flatulence whether the woman standing next to them has fleshier knees than they do. Let my girls be Hermiones, rather than Pansy Parkinsons. Let them never be Stupid Girls.

JK Rowling
  1. You are better off without a man. We are told our whole lives that nothing we aspire to can be as great as being a spouse or mother. That so rarely works out in our favor. Why not, instead of needing validation in the form of a man you become the person you were always meant to be. There’s nothing wrong with coupling up and having kids, but when that’s all you feel you should be? You’ve come to a very dark place.
  2. This extends into wanting a relationship. Before you say, “No one finds me attractive,” or “I’ve always wanted to find that special someone,” you need to realize that you are under-rating yourself. You are putting your self-worth into another persons hands. And no matter how much they just adore and love you, you are not going to feel better about yourself. It’s all nice and well to have someone stroke your ego, but no one can give you the self-confidence you deserve.
  3. By the way, that’s a terrible reason to want to be in a relationship.
  4. Coupling up should happen because it’s what you both want and pleasant. Nothing is more important than reciprocation. Don’t fool yourself. Know yourself.
  5. And this doesn’t mean that you do not deserve what you want or that you can’t find it within yourself or with another person. Perhaps you’re at an impasse. Ultimately, you don’t truly need them to continue on. So you’ve got to choose the action that will cause you both happiness, whether that’s parting ways or giving it a little more time.
  6. OMG, no one else will find me attractive! Wrong, wrong, wrong! Given that you leave the house (or even if you don’t), at least one or more people will like you. The first person that finds you attractive should be YOU. The second can be a stranger you’re passing on the street, a friend, a lover, an old grocer that smiles nicely at you.
  7. It doesn’t matter what others think. People will frown at you, laugh at you, & generally send you terrible messages. You’ve got to set those aside and in the end discard them. You know that on a bad day you treat people unfairly and it’s not truly personal. So why should you become so full of self doubt and self loathing over what some insensitive fucker said once three months ago? What someone very close to you said years ago?
  8. The most beautiful and inspiring people in the world are committed to everything else besides vanity. Basically, they don’t care that they’re famous or beautiful. They’d give anything for people to talk about their family or their ambassadorship to China or what the weather’s like. More than that, they don’t understand the attention they’re getting and the terrible self-loathing they inspire in others. They want everyone to love their bodies and who they are. They want people to care more about the world and less about getting a nose job or the condition their hair’s in.
  9. That’s just it, isn’t it? You shouldn’t be shallow. Do you think your life will change if you suddenly woke up one morning and were “one of the beautiful people?” I doubt you could handle the bad attention you would be getting-attention completely directed at the person you are on the outside and not the inside. Everyone thinks you’re barbie. They objectify you and ridicule you. They don’t care about your interests or your amazing personality or your talent. In the door you go. Now what? Hope you can manage to stay there or your fingers are going to get jammed.
  10. A sad fact: being glamorous really will get you far ahead of others in life. But so what, really? We can all be glamorous and we can all find opportunities to take our talents and passions where they will be appreciated. You will also never have to doubt that you got there based on hard work and dedication instead of the ability to look like every other Paris clone.
  11. Good luck.

the perfect imperfection

It seems that you minimize the huge and primary role that man plays in degrading woman. Songs, films, lewd comments day in and day out. It is a privilege to be sheltered from the harsh reality that men see women as inferior. The average man does not respect females. Chemically, they respond to women as if they were objects. Scientific studies and general human experience have proven this terrible fact. You should not blame women, who are the victims of society, for reinforcing objectification. They are not the ones to blame. No, but they are the ones who will change everything.

My response. Loads of females blame their own sex for the indecent way women are treated and made to feel about themselves. This is the biggest load of horse shit ever.


The Body Image Post

Often times, I read your posts, dear followers, about how you wish you could get tons of plastic surgery or loose weight. It makes me wish that you knew how beautiful you are.

You are beautiful with or without make up, with or without loosing that weight. I see pictures of you and the thought of your face permanently changing terrifies me.

Why put yourself through the pain of believing that you are ugly? If you truly believed it would be healthy to weigh 90 lbs or if you had been in an airplane crash and had facial burns and scarring, I could understand. But you are letting insecurities and fear of being alone guide you.

There are people who would spend the rest of their lives eternally grateful to look like you, to just look like a normal person or be healthy. Although it’s not your intention, in hating the way you look, you are taking your beauty for granted.

It’s simple. Our culture’s view of beauty is contrary to the natural woman. It tells women they are not good enough as they come. What a horrible illness this perpetuates- the vile hatred of woman’s body and image.

Love your body. Begin a revolution. Don’t blame other women, because they are victims of hatred and an objectifying, disrespectful culture. Be an example and inspire others to love who they are.

You don’t have to start out loving your entire self. You don’t have to start out liking every part of your body. You can start small, by becoming conscious of the way you light up when you smile or even the gap between your teeth. Knees, elbows, delicate ears. Love something.

I promise you, if you continue on the path of hating the way you look, loosing weight and surgery will not fix you.

The only hope is to see that you are not only beautiful, but that you are not your body. Who you are is something that can’t be measured. If you don’t love your body, you do not know yourself.

Make an effort to change and be a part of a revolution

Ladies, We Can

You gave up, you didn’t try hard enough, you never even gave yourself a chance…

There were probably circumstances. People called you “emotional” when the real problem was you’d lost hope.

The truth is, if you’re not dreaming, if you’re not doing things for yourself, you will loose hope.

When you loose hope, it kills you. You will die without hope.

In order to live, you need to dream and believe in yourself.

The most important thing is to not judge yourself, to tell yourself you will not be disappointed any longer. Reach for the things that are truly the most important to you and do them.

You can, but you won’t if you’re too hard on yourself.

Now that I’ve told you the secret to living, I promise you that if you hold on to hope, even the smallest one, you will become who you were meant to be in life.

The only reason you don’t find yourself beautiful is because you have seen all your lowest points that you often keep secret from people you fancy. However who is to say that a person can’t find you still beautiful even after all the flaws are exposed?

Write Yourself a Letter with the Wisdom of 100 Years

Charleene never wanted my parents to have a child, but when they took her to a showing ofThree Men and a Baby she seemed pleased to know I was on the way.

I “came to my senses” riding a Shetland pony. It was tied to a small horse walker in the local skagg’s parking lot. My father stood next to the other parents and took a photograph. Just a few days ago, my mother left the apartment for Virginia.

My father drove me to my grandmother’s house, which was right around the corner. She had all of my toys in a closet and spent time answering the questions I had. Since this was my first memory and the first sliver of consciousness, I had many questions.

I remember my father cried in his room. When I tried to go to him he yelled and my grandmother took me away.

In my dreams, I remembered my mother. I had no word for her, because she wasn’t around. Confused, I called Charleene and my father mama.

It’s odd that my first memory is of riding the shetland pony and that I only remembered my mother through dreams. But it’s possible I had a previous awareness that I blocked out when she left because it was painful.

Charleene loved me. When she died I was inconsolable. The day my father and I moved out of her house for good, I remember her roses were still blooming in the middle of winter. A deep snow covered the ground and I circled beneath the trees that were planted at my birth.

Today, when I level with myself, I think of Charleene. I wonder what that old, busy woman would say to me now. She put a hand on my shoulder as I walked and brushed my hair to one side, always concerned over some minor detail. Drove into corn fields and laughed happily. Spit out the car door. Affectionately called me “a basket case.” Mowed the lawn at 72.

In my desk drawer rest her large spectacles and driver’s license. Sometimes I put them on and pretend to be old and fussy like her, to know as she did that nothing ever truly leaves us.

Not every day, but often I hear Bye Bye Blackbird in the back of my mind. I sing it as my grandmother did to me.

Pack up all my care and woe, here I go, singing low bye bye blacbird

“Let’s stop acting like women who choose to be feminine are somehow colluders, betraying the movement, bamboozled into thinking that they want to be feminine. Let’s stop denying women their own autonomy by telling them that their expressions of femininity are bad and wrong.

Antifemininity is misogynist. What you are saying when you engage in this type of rhetoric is that you think things traditionally associated with women are wrong. Which is misogynist. By telling feminine women that they don’t belong in the feminist movement, you are reinforcing the idea that to be feminine and a woman is wrong, that women who want to be taken seriously need to be more masculine, because most people view gender presentation in binary ways. This rewards the ‘one of the boys’ type rhetoric I encounter all over the place from self-avowed feminists who seem to think that bashing on women is a good way to prove how serious they are when it comes to caring about women and bringing men into the feminist movement.”

- Get Your Anti-Femininity Out Of My Feminism, S.E. Smit